"One Stop Service"

For All Your Business Insurance Needs

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Our commitment is to provide you with peace of mind, so you can focus on the success of your business. With Masii Insurance Broker, you will have access to a great customer service, tailored policies, and a dedicated team that understands the complexity of Thai industries.

Join us on this journey, and let us simplify the insurance process, ensuring you are protected at every turn.

Our offers

Siam Digital Lending

Group Health + Life insurance

Take care of your employees to the fullest with comprehensive coverage, helping to maintain the efficiency of your organization and move towards success with confidence. Simply choose to purchase group insurance to provide insurance benefits to employees within the organization, whether it's group life insurance or group health insurance. This can create peace of mind for employees by allowing them to choose suitable coverage according to their needs, including outpatient treatment, dental care, permanent disability or death from accidents, critical illnesses, loss of organs from accidents, as well as protection against hidden assault, and motorbike accidents. It also covers medical expenses from accidents (expanded coverage to spouses and children), along with One-Stop-Service from price comparisons to tailored offers from partner life insurance companies, leading aviation insurance companies, and over 30 affiliated hospitals.

Siam Digital Lending

Property & Commercial Insurance

Provide comprehensive protection for properties, whether commercial or industrial, from unforeseen losses or damages to insured properties caused by various unforeseen events. The ultimate insurance policy that safeguards the properties that serve as the foundation of businesses, offering diverse and comprehensive coverage for buildings, furniture, fixtures, machinery, and stock items suitable for various businesses such as factories, hotels, condominiums, dormitories, apartments, and shops. Additionally, it allows for customization of coverage to suit specific needs, such as adding liability coverage for third parties, theft, or vandalism.

Siam Digital Lending

Directors & Officers Insurance

Directors and executives are individuals who are at risk of being accused of wrongdoing in their roles, regardless of whether your organization is large or small. This insurance policy provides coverage for legal fees, legal representation, investigation costs, compensation payments to claimants, securities litigation costs, crisis event expenses, damages from asset seizures, litigation expenses, and protection against claims for compensation by external parties, such as shareholders or customers. This allows you to invest in your business without worrying about or dealing with prolonged legal disputes.

Siam Digital Lending

Public Liabilities Insurance

For business operators in various categories such as shops, resorts, restaurants, clubs, schools, or office buildings, accidents that occur during business operations or deficiencies in business premises can result in losses to the lives and properties of third parties at any time. Liability insurance for third parties within business premises is another way to increase confidence for policyholders in continuing their business securely. It provides coverage for legal liability to third parties for bodily injury or death, or property damage that occurs during the insurance period and within the insured premises, including legal expenses.

Siam Digital Lending

Cyber Security Insurance

Insurance that covers all risks on the online world is suitable for modern individuals who incorporate online channels into their lives. It's also ideal for every organization that stores personal data, helping alleviate damages from cyber attacks that can happen to any organization. This insurance allows you to conduct your business confidently under the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) of 2019 with cyber insurance for medium-sized and small businesses. It covers expenses for data recovery and evidence collection in the investigation process and litigation. It also includes fees for cybersecurity experts to help identify causes and solve problems, as well as losses from business interruption.

Siam Digital Lending

All Risk Industrial Insurance

The fundamental insurance that will come in to bolster your business to operate with confidence in every aspect provides protection for property, whether commercial or industrial, from sudden and unforeseeable losses or damages due to various perils. This policy covers all types of risk and is suitable for large businesses with high insurance capital. It helps alleviate damages and reduce risks that could prevent significant losses. Suitable for large businesses with total property values exceeding 50 million baht or various business groups such as factories, hotels, condominiums, dormitories, apartments, and shops, providing protection for buildings, furniture, fixtures, machinery, and stock, among others. Additionally, it allows customization of coverage to suit specific needs, such as adding third-party liability coverage, machinery breakdown insurance, and business interruption coverage resulting from insured perils covered by property risk insurance.

Siam Digital Lending

Marine & Logistics Insurance

Insurance for the damage of goods in transportation is aimed at providing confidence to the owners of the goods and plays a significant role in promoting the business's value. Marine cargo insurance is a type of policy that provides protection for ships, cargo, and related property. It is designed to protect businesses that rely on transporting goods via sea transportation, as well as to provide coverage for businesses involved in cross-ocean cargo transportation. It helps protect businesses from financial losses or losses of goods, delays, or disruptions in transportation, and liability issues that may arise during the transportation process. Additionally, cargo transportation insurance is crucial for the trading business system as it provides coverage for insured goods in case of loss or damage due to transportation accidents within Thailand, including by truck, ship, train, or plane.

Feedback from our customers

"B.Grimm has used services with Masii for a long and continuous period. I was impressed with the service provided by Masii's team. They took care of insurance claims and card issuance, which was very convenient. They were able to follow up on claims and send reports. Claim results are provided immediately and continuously, so we don't have to follow up many times."

"As for the impression, Masii is always following up and taking care of its customers. Personally, they have been using the service for a period of approximately more than 5 years, which has spread the word of the quality and professionalism of the team work too."

Siam Digital Lending

Because employees are the most valuable assets of the company, illness and accidents can happen to key personnel. Therefore, "group insurance" is a benefit that every organization should have to provide peace of mind, allowing employees to work to their full potential with efficiency. This is because it offers diverse protection that can be tailored to specific needs, including group life insurance, group health insurance, property and commercial insurance, director and officer liability insurance, cyber insurance, and more.

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Our office location

No.5, Dr.Gerhard Link Building, Soi Krungthepkreetha 7, Hua Mark, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240